Disclaimer - Read before continue..
This app does not detect hidden camera with YES/NO answers.There is no algorithm ever built that does that.
This app provides you details of the radiation that typically emitted by electronic devices and potentially by hidden camera.
This app has algorithm to prevent radiation by earths magnetic field and other noise from calculation and present you best radiation meter for electronic devices.
This app provides you details of the radiation that typically emitted by electronic devices and potentially by hidden camera.
This app has algorithm to prevent radiation by earths magnetic field and other noise from calculation and present you best radiation meter for electronic devices.
Also read :Asus File Manager
This app also provides you manual steps to check hidden camera with some techniques and provides remedies to save yourself from hidden cameras");Hey there,
I always felt insecure and unsafe whenever I stepped into hotel's bedroom, bathroom or malls changing room. No one can guarantee if there is any hidden camera inside the room. So why can't there be an app which helps detect the hidden camera ?
This app helps you to detect the hidden camera . There are three parts of this app.
1. Radiation detector - Move phone to the suspected object /device. If it radiates with red spot, even not being a electronic device (Example mirror, hanger, inside changing room,inside bathroom etc) , it might be a hidden camera.
Magnetic sensor in your mobile phone can detect radiation spike, but it involves earths magnetic radiation and other noise such as mobile towers. So this app reduces that noise and help you understand if radiation is coming from nearby electronic devices including the hidden camera.
NEW : Now get beep beep sound feedback for high radiation.
2. Manual steps
In case suspected device itself is electronic device or phone lags magnetic sensor, follow the manual steps given to identify the hidden camera.
In case suspected device itself is electronic device or phone lags magnetic sensor, follow the manual steps given to identify the hidden camera.
3. IR (Infrared) Cam detector
This app provides inbuilt modified camera to detect IR cameras. Fact that your normal camera can also detect IR light (Try with TV remote control), this app has some special effect and additional thin green transparent layer that removes unwanted luminance and make bright light spread so that your eyes catches it clearly.
This app provides inbuilt modified camera to detect IR cameras. Fact that your normal camera can also detect IR light (Try with TV remote control), this app has some special effect and additional thin green transparent layer that removes unwanted luminance and make bright light spread so that your eyes catches it clearly.
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I suspect the camera, what to do now?This app also provides you some easy techniques that can save you from potential exposure to hidden camera.
You can share the location with friends easily if you find the camera so that they can take precaution when they visit this place.
So be safe and secure !!
So be safe and secure !!
Guys in case your device is unable to open camera or app is not responding, please write tofutureappstech@gmail.com instead of reviews. We can server you better on mail.
Also read :WhatsApp Chat Locker
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